Addie continually impresses us with her taste for international cuisine. Put chicken and potatoes in front of her and she'll spit it out; lamb kebab, hummus, and safron rice she gulp down and asks for more. She asked for a bite of the tabuleh and at first nodded her head in approval but then the onion and parsley taste must have kicked in and she said "I d'ike it", which is Addie's abreviation for "I don't like it" (she loves to make her own abbreviations-today was "Chris'ime" short for "Christmas time"-who knows where she got this knack). Anyway, the weather in Manila was breezy and beautifully sunny on Sunday. We packed up the girls and headed to Hossein's Persian House of Kebabs in Greenbelt for dinner. This was after we got all geared up to go out for lunch earlier that day. I pumped, packed the diaper bag, got Addie's extra clothes ready (in case of a potty accident) and just waited for Arabella to wake up from her mid morning nap. As we were getting ready to leave at noon, Addie started having a meltdown and suddenly we realized Addie's nap would be in 30 minutes and there would be no way we'd being going out to lunch. Somehow in a blur of potential Persian food excitement this fact slipped both Justin and my minds. Sadly, we kicked off our shoes, fed Addie some lunch and laid her down for a nap...then an hour later Bella laid down again...we once again remembered how there is such a tiny window where both girls are awake and rested at the same time for us to get out as a family. Long story short after this massive parental brain fart, we arrived at Hossein's at the early bird special hour of 4:30 PM. After the long wait, we were satisfied with the delicious food. A quick lap around Greenbelt was made in our double stroller that feels like a Hummer among all the tiny Filipinos (who by the way carry their infants for the most part-a double stroller is non-existent here) and then raced home to get Bella to bed before a meltdown. Justin and I both sighed with relief at the realization that the girls will eventually be on the same nap schedule...one day.

1 comment:
You are amazing. All that, and blogging too. For all you do..this bud's for you.
bud(bud)n. 1. a small protuberance on a stem or branch,containing an undeveloped flower.
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