She's still having issues choking on things but it's not for lack of teeth. She has four molars now. Mostly the issue is that she shoves fist-fulls of food in her mouth and tries to swallow before she's sufficiently chewed them. I'm afraid Justin's going to start requiring her food to be pureed if she chokes any more.
Another gray hair inducing trait she's developed is cyanotic breath holding during intense crying. Basically after a fall or injury she'll scream and then do that silent cry for so long that she passes out. Immediately after she looses consciousness (we can tell because she goes from tomato red to pale as a ghost) her body involuntarily takes a breath and she starts crying again. After these episodes she's kind of tired and woozy. It was really scary the first time but now we know to expect it if she falls or hurts herself. It by no means happens all the time but if she really gets whaling and moves into that red faced silent cry we know now to keep her horizontal so the blood can flow to her head and blow in her face to help her snap out of that silent cry/breath holding. We kind of chalked it up to Bella being Bella. She's just that kind of kid.
Even with all her challenging traits, she is equally amazing in every way. She's playful and has this adorable deep chuckle laugh that is completely infections. She loves doing everything with her big sister even if Addie gets exasperated with her sometimes. Arabella is feisty and curious and fearless. Her smile lights up the room.
On most days Bella is running around hiding behind the curtains and jumping off the couch cushions at 6PM. By 7PM she's curled up in her blanket, on my lap, squealing at each page of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?", and then kissing her stuffed animals goodnight. Our youngest daughter may be graying us prematurely but she's an absolute delight.
Oh, I can so identify with this post. Our daughter is very much like Bella, except for the silent crying/no breathing. She does other things though. When she realizes she's misbehaved she starts hitting herself, usually on the head and wouldn't stop though we try to explain that it really doesn't help and she's almost 7. She can also be selfish and bossy, my-way-or-the-highway kinda kid, which does get her in trouble often.
But she is pure joy in so many other ways. She's very bright (amazing reader), funny, inventive, curious, loves other kids, especially little ones. We are tremendously proud to be her parents but boy is she a handful. I am seriously concerned about her teenage years... And yeah, you know how people talk about the terrible twos because of the incessant tantrums. I am afraid we have a "terrible twos to twenty twos" kid. The tantrums just seem to be here to stay...
We are expecting a baby boy in a few months and I am so hoping for a laid back, calm kid this time around. And overall less drama, haha!
Best of luck with your cute princess Bella! Because cute she certainly is and I know you love her to pieces!
My goodness. I have to say, I thought I had a spirited daughter but yours takes the cake, esp that holding breath thing. How scary. But glad she is so delightful, as well!
What an exciting child! My 15 month is similar, a dare devil with no fear. He also is an excited eater and has choked several times.
He doesn't cry very often, so he doesn't make himself pass out, I can't imagine that. What an adventure.
Bella sounds like an amazing little girl!
It's so nice to hear we aren't the only one with a strong independent minded daughter (or child for that matter). I think sometimes kids like Bella require more energy and more sanity but they also let you love bigger. Thanks for the comments ladies.
Smacks the dog??? I'm not sure I like that part.
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