
Sunday, November 7, 2010

holiday inspiration (and too many links)

I know I've mentioned this before; I'm so excited for the holidays. Don't worry, I'm not playing our Christmas music yet (soon though) and we don't have any other decorations up other than the girls new Filipino tree. But that doesn't mean I haven't been busy thinking about Christmas!

I've been browsing through shop after shop at Etsy. Whatever catches my searching fancy really. I decided to give more handmade gifts this year. For a number of reasons really (one being that the Philippines is the land of handmade items). And the handmade toys on Etsy are unique and seem well made. No garish colors and bright plastic lights flashing. I like the idea of gifts that inspire creativity and imagination. Something that a child can use in endless make-believe situations. Not that we won't be getting normal toys for the girls. And not that there aren't amazing mass produced toys on the market (Melissa and Doug, PlanToys, Play Mobil, anything eastern European made). I guess I just feel a little better about sending money to a woman in the States who is crafting felt food out of her sewing room to make a little extra cash for her family; over fueling the Made-in-___(fill in the third world country blank) toy productions. I love the idea that Etsy allows anyone to sell their handmade items.

I admit, sometimes I can't justify the extra cost for the handmade toys. Generally things on Etsy are more expensive because they are hand crafted and made in small batches. I get that, but I still have a budget to work with. This year I will be purchasing locally made handmade items as well as some Etsy items.

Anyway, that was a long blurb just to say that often I'll find something on Etsy and say to myself "I could make that". I found a gorgeous paper Christmas garland that I could definitely reproduce.* I think it's going to be my next holiday craft project. Buying the supplies just to make one garland wouldn't make much sense so if you usually receive gifts from my family for the holidays you could quite likely be getting a handmade garland. That is if I can get some great paper. So far the other items haven't been too tough to locate. I've been wishing for a Paper Source the last few days. I love that place.

Please share with me any holiday crafts you have in mind this year.

*This is not to say that the individual selling her garland on Etsy is not making a wonderful product. I love it. But have a hard time paying $25 for something that I could make at home. Even if mine doesn't turn out like the original.


  1. I love Etsy as well. Buying something homemade is so great. I especially love supporting stay at home moms.
    I am looking to make/buy an advent calendar. This is the one I really like.

  2. Ooh, I've already printed a picture of the garland & am going to make my own too!!! Have you checked out the Real Simple website? They always have magnificent ideas. I'll send you some of the ideas I've got on my home computer.

    And it's okay to play those jolly tunes now, we are! *giggle*grin*
