
Thursday, November 11, 2010

metronidazole round 3

I have the awesome pleasure of having Entamoeba histolytica again. I know I'm in trouble when I no longer have to Google the parasite to get the spelling right. This is the third time I've been diagnosed with this amoeba in the last 5 months. This time it was topped with some kind of stomach virus that put me in bed with a fever, chills, muscle aches, and of course, lots of the big D. This time when I came to the medical clinic, the nurses were all busy giving flu shots so I saw a real doctor. Hallelujah. When my sample came back positive for E. histolytica instead of E. coli (which the doctor thought it was initially), and then she looked at my chart and saw that I was diagnosed with the same amoeba in July, September, and now November she said that we never got rid of the damn bug the first time. So lucky me, the amoeba is in my upper G.I. tract hanging out in the cyst form waiting to live it's disgusting little life cycle every two months. The meds I've taken in the past kills the amoeba in my lower gut and causes me to have a clean follow up lab test, all the while the baby amoeba buys its time in my upper gut. This time I am taking the metronidazole to get rid of the lower gut amoeba and then an additional drug for almost a month to kill off the amoeba that has made it self a little too comfortable up higher.

Third world living at its finest.


  1. ugh. Hope you get rid of that nasty bug and feel better soon.

  2. Ewww, yuck! I hope you feel better quickly!

  3. Grrr. I am so so so sorry. I know how you feel and it sucks beyond suckiness. Get better my friend.

  4. Sounds like something out of "The Twilight Zone",
    which also translates to "my worst nightmare".
    Hang in there.
