
Friday, November 5, 2010

rain rain go away

I'm getting really sick of the gray rainy days in Manila. It gets so dark and rainy in the afternoons that I have to turn on all the lights in the house so we can see what we are doing. It's like one long gloomy night that never stops.

Bella eating the rubber baster. Mmm good. I always feel a little giddy on Friday afternoons, knowing the weekend is here. Maybe that's why I let the girls do things like paint tattoos on my legs. After Addie painted us both and Bella had finished getting in Cora's way while she was cooking; we all jumped in the bath. Arabella looked at me like I was crazy when I jumped in with them. Then she grinned.

Friday afternoons get a little silly here. Think we're missing pool weather much?

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