
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

they are listening

If I still had any doubt that Addie wasn't watching, listening and absorbing everything we say and do; I don't now.

Yesterday we were playing doctor with her baby dolls and her Lucy doll had a tummy ache and needed to go to the doctor. Addie insisted we make her "better" before Lucy's airplane flight to New Zealand.

Me: "What's wrong with Lucy?"
Addie: "She has diarrhea"
Me: "Uh oh, why?"
Addie: "She has an amoeba."
Me: "Oh really, what kind of bug is in her belly?"
Addie: "Ants!"

Case in point. She's listening. To. Everything. Even if she gets it all mixed up a tad.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes... I had a dream that I unintentionally taught my cousin the F-Bomb... and distracted her by saying she heard me wrong, that I was really saying "Princess" in Italian. LOL- in my dream, it worked.
