
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

still dancing

It's unusual if we have an evening without music, tutus, couch cushions on the floor as the dance floor and lots of laughter. The girls love to dance. The party starts after dinner. Every day. I swear.

Yesterday, Addie invented the "slip dance" which basically is dancing in socks on the slippery marble floor. We had a few accidental splits and bumped heads but you would have thought they invented the bicycle by how much they both squealed with delight.Yaya even joined in on the sock fun. What I (thankfully) don't have pictures of, is how I dance around like a crazy lunatic to the New Kids on the Block or No Doubt. Yesterday Addie, asked me to get on the cushions (stage) and show her my best dance for a Nelly Furtado tune that was playing. You better believe I did and you better believe you will never see pictures of me doing it. The girls laugh but I'm sure it's not pretty!


  1. *happy sigh* oh, the PLU memories... did you show them the Roger Rabbit? The Running Man? You don't have to post pictures, I've got great memories replaying as we speak!! *giggle*grin*

    Give the girls a big hug from me & Stanley.

  2. I'm thinking that Justin needs to snap some shots and post them up of you dancing! I won't judge, I do the same thing with my girls every night too!

  3. Really cute!
    Sent you a msg. via my blog about possibly getting together next week. Would also like to know if you would be interested in a baby sign language class. i might take max to one at the imagine that building.
    email me if you are interested and I will send you the details:

  4. I love dancing on hard wood floors with socks on. Of course I'm no Tom Cruise.
