
Monday, October 4, 2010

Proud Mama bragging, just a little bit

What is a blog about your kids, if it isn't a brag book, really? I'm shameless in this post about Arabella sitting and threading the beads, at 18 months! She will sit and do this by herself for 30 minutes or more. She gets frustrated when she can't get it and just switches hands to try with the other. She's right handed, clearly, because she has better control with her right hand. Bella is spatially oriented and loves focusing on shape sorting games and puzzles. She is much better at these sort of things than Addie was at her age. The beads especially impress me because it took a long time for Addie to perfect this. I couldn't believe it one day she just sat down and did it. I think she started doing this about a month or so ago. Crazy cool! I'm proud of my girl.


  1. Blogs are TOTALLY brag books! *grin* Isn't it fun to watch them develop?

  2. Just watch the diaper. When my 3rd sone was just a little bit older than this we were threading pony beads on show laces and he was doing so well. I was so proud. I only left the room for a minute because I had to go to the restroom. I came back and he was still happily threading beads. The next day I changed his diaper and found that at some point he had eaten quite a few beads. His poop was technicolored. Yuck.

    Of course girls your girls are probably better baheaved than my hellions.

  3. I wouldn't be so sure Shannon! Bella slips everything in her mouth. I'm sure we miss a few things here and there but we've had to be super vigil with her and her oral fixation. Love the technicolor diaper!!!
