
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

morning person

I am not a morning person but I have to fake it now that I'm a Mom. My God the mornings are early with little kids. My super star husband may not take middle of the night feedings but he does let me sleep-in an additional hour EVERY MORNING! Without that hour from 6-7AM I think I'd have gone crazy months ago. Anyhow, he's enjoying the frigid temperatures of Virginia this week and we miss him terribly. It's all me with the girls all night, all day, and early mornings. It used to be really rough when Bella was still waking up multiple times a night and then I'd have to get up with Addie before 6AM while Justin was out of town. Now it's not as bad and I'm proud to say that I actually get by pretty well at that time of the morning. This might have a little to do with the cup of coffee in the morning I'm allowing myself. Oh, it's so good and just enough jolt to get me going. It's amazing to me how kids start their days rolling the moment the decide to wake up. Addie usually starts off her morning snuggling back in bed with me until 6AM. 5:40 is just too damn early. If the sun doesn't rise, neither do I. She's off to the races at 6 though. It's Cheerios and milk and books and let's watch a show. Bella too of course! This morning she happened to sleep-in until 7:40 AM! Totally awesome for her. This was our living room before 8AM. Both girls had eaten their breakfast, Addie had peed, Bella had loaded her diaper at least once, the Cuisinart grind and brew had rocketed into outer space (and made me coffee in the process), and the animals were having a parade. Thinking back to my office days I'd still be half asleep on the Metro on my way to work. My mind was blank until 9AM. Now I'm playing make-believe with Little People and defrosting homemade baby food with a smile on my face. Who knew I had it in me?

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