
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

three little angels

In November I was put in contact with a sweet couple who recently gave birth to premature triplets staying at Makati Medical until they were large enough to go home. The mother was on medication that didn't allow her to nurse her new babies (two girls and a boy). Luckily I had the solution to their problem in my freezer. I've been pumping full time for the past 9 months now and whatever Bella doesn't eat during the day gets put away for later. The triplets received some of my frozen supply and I couldn't have felt better about donating it. They were born 1.3 kilos each and needed to be fed by Dixie cup! Luckily they had no other medical issues besides their low birth weight. I gave their father a huge box of frozen milk the first time he came to receive a donation and then dropped off milk at the neonatal care unit at the hospital periodically over the next few months. The baby's doctor shook my hand and were so thankful for the milk. It warmed my heart to know how appreciative the parents were. One visit to the hospital I was invited to meet the babies and all I could do was cry for those tiny little beans. I couldn't stop thanking God for my big healthy girls at home. I am so glad that I could assist with these little babies earliest days. I'm proud to say they grew steadily on my milk and two out of the three were released home before Christmas. The last baby was release after the New Year. I gave my last donation to the family a few weeks back and learned that they would be moving to Japan where the father is from. I wish them all the best and pray the little ones keep growing big and strong.

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