
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the face

Arabella is not all sugar, she's made of some serious spice (phew, lots of spice). At 9 months she communicates to us as if she were the same age as her sister. It's amazing to watch and listen to. She's so expressive and so darn stubborn. When she's happy and joyful she's like a little ball of squishy sweetness you just want to eat up. When she's cranky she's trouble with a capital T! She has this face that she gives me when someone else is holding her and she sees me. She uses this face show her dislike for something. Mostly if you say "no" about something, take a toy away, don't give her another bite of cracker, leave her quickly on the floor by herself. She hates being left to play even for a second alone if she's in a cranky mood. When she's happy she will play on the floor with her sister completely fine. Bella does this face more and more now to communicate her opinion about something. It's the funniest thing. I get this face when she's happy too, but when she's unhappy, watch out! I know when she's awoken from her nap too soon I'm going to see this face for the rest of the day.

Here she's giving this face after a terribly short morning nap. She's complaining because Justin was swinging her and he stopped to swing Addie. She didn't like that so much. He got The Face!

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