
Saturday, May 2, 2009

big sister

Addie loves her little sister. She's so sweet and tender with Bella. She brings over blankets and her pacifier; she's eager to help any way she can. She gives her kisses and greets her with an excitement, that if you know Addie, you know is genuine and straight from her little heart. My parent's said that when we called after Bella was born, Addie was practically running to get her coat and shoes on to come to the hospital to see Mommy, Daddy, and Baby Bella. I'm so proud of how well Addie is doing with the new addition to our family. I see a great friendship forming already.


  1. Too sweet! When I was on the phone with my mom earlier, Addie said to me "baby Bella." It was so cute!

  2. Congratulations Sara and Justin! I am so happy for you all;). May your new little girl bring you all the love and happiness! Love, Heather
