
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Back home

Our hospital stay during Bella's birth was extremely pleasant. No matter how positive the birth experience is, going home is always the best part. Packing Bella in her car seat and driving away with my husband and new daughter was a wonderful feeling. We couldn't wait to get back to my parent's house to see Addie (whom we missed desperately after being away for two nights) and to get settled in to our life as parents of two little girls.
Arabella is everything I thought she would be and so much more. I had some time with her by myself in the hospital and at home in the last few days since her birth. The mother-daughter bond is securely in place. She's melted my heart and I am completely and utterly in love with her. She has delicate little features and pretty pink skin. Her fingers are long and elegant with perfectly shaped tiny nails at the ends of them. She looks a lot like Addie did at birth but not exactly the same. She's a hungry little girl, nursing really well already. She's proven to be strong; already moving her neck on her own. Her kicks and punches outside my belly are just as strong as they were on the inside. She's perfect in every way.


  1. How could you not love that precious little girl! I wish I could be there. Congratulations again.

  2. Congratulations. She is beautiful. Love, the Belders
