
Monday, May 4, 2009

weekend with Kiki and the Great Aunts

Addie had a spectacular weekend with Justin's Mom (aka Kiki), Aunt Kathy, and Aunt Terry. They arrived on Thursday while we were still in the hospital and just left, sadly, today. Their stay was ideal timing for Addie to be distracted with tons of attention. Friday night we had a BBQ at my parents house. Saturday and Sunday, Justin and Addie toured them around Portland. They saw the Saturday Market, Powell's, The Rogue Ale House, Multnomah Falls, and McMenamins Edgefield. It's not a coincidence that two of those spots are micro-brew pubs. Justin is getting his fill of good beer before we return to the land of San Miguel. Addie came home exhausted after days with her Kiki. She was in love with her Great Aunt's as well. This morning Addie went with Justin to drop the ladies off at the airport and say goodbye. Addie had the saddest look on her face when they returned home. All she kept saying was "Kiki, home" with big sad puppy dog eyes.


  1. Glad to hear you all had a great visit. The pics of all are wonderful. The baby is beautiful, but we didn't expect anything less! And, the kids say Justin is getting old! Love you ... Donna

  2. I know my mom was in seventh heaven this past weekend! I'm glad Aunt Terry and Aunt Kathy were able to make it out too! Miss you guys!

  3. Sara, We had a great time. Thank you for calling us GREAT Aunts, instead of just good Aunts. hehe
    XOXO, Auntie Terry
