
Thursday, May 14, 2009

2 week stats

Arabella Jun

Birth: 20 inches, 8 lbs 5 ounces
2 days: 20 inches, 7 lbs 15 ounces
2 weeks: 21 inches, 9 lbs. 15 ounces

Bella is growing so fast! She's a little piggy; eating really well. The doctor said she is perfect. I agree! The picture is of Bella with Addie's lovie. Addie was nice enough to share! That's a BIG deal for Adelaide.


  1. She is beautiful! Can't wait to meet her next time you are in DC. When do you head back to Manilla?

  2. She's doing a good job eating!! I'm so proud that Addie is sharing her lovie! Bella is adorable!
