
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

tired baby

I love it when Bella is sleeping so peacefully that both her arms are above her head in sheer bliss. While I was nursing Bella yesterday, Addie went and got "tiny baby" and decided to nurse her too. I love it!Here is one of Bella with her eyes open. Every day she's more and more wakeful. She's getting her nights and days sorted out which is really nice for me. You can also see a bit of reversion from Addie. She never looked twice at a pacifier until I pulled them out for Bella.


  1. Watching you with both your girls brings back so many memories of Meghan when Ryan was born!!! The baby doll, the paci, the whole bit! Enjoy them - they are beautiful. Love you, Aunt Donna

  2. The nursing photo is priceless!
