
Sunday, May 17, 2009


Megan and Emily are here! We calculated it's been 2 years or more since all three of us have been home at the same time. It's so great to have everyone here. Although the hot water heater is struggling to keep up! Addie is in love with her Aunties. Emily has a knack at soothing Bella when I'm busy and Megan likes to hold her when she's sound asleep.

Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day here in Washington. Mom, Meg, Emily, Addie, Bella and I decided to go to the Oregon Zoo. Turns out all of Portland was at the zoo with their kids that day. Mom even got cursed at in the parking lot by some parking haters. Once we got in, the zoo was a ton of fun. Addie's favorite were the elephants, monkeys, and penguins.

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