
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We made it

I had prepared myself for the worst and was pleasantly surprised by our travels from Manila to Washington. First of all, the flight from Manila to the West coast is a million times easier than the one we take to the East coast. Cutting off a few hours really makes a difference. Addie did exceptionally well during the flights. All of the new toys we brought and were given as gifts for the flight really made a difference. My saving grace was that Toy Story was one of the On-Demand choices for movies in business class. It's one of Addie's favorites. We colored and played with stickers. It went really well. The airline was also really great about providing us assistance to help carry our luggage. When we arrived in Portland to a gray rainy morning we were so glad to be done with our travels. Getting here was half my worries and with it having gone so smoothly I feel it's a really great omen for Bella's birth. (Flight=easy means birth=easy, maybe it's just positive thinking). Addie warmed up to her grandparents right away. She walked into a house full of fun toys and games. We made homemade wiener wraps for dinner and she fell asleep in her very own adorable toddler bed decked out with stuffed puppies and kitties. She even got to see the wonders of her first wind-up dancing ballerina jewelry box. What little girl wouldn't be happy?


  1. I LOVE the picture of Addie with that Clifford backpack- the look on her face is priceless! I'm so glad you lovely ladies made it safely, and can't wait to see you!!! xoxoxo

  2. So glad you girls made it safely!! I hope you enjoy your time with your family! Love you guys! XOXO

  3. You need to email me that picture of her on the plane...that is my favorite.

  4. Glad to hear your trip went smoothly. And I like your logic - easy trip, easy birth! Makes sense to me! Take care. Love, Aunt Donna

  5. So glad you both made it safely!! I hope you enjoy your time with your family! Love and Kisses, Terry
