
Monday, March 16, 2009

PDX here we come!

On one hand it seems like ages ago when I found out we were expecting again back in Hawaii in August. On the other hand it seems like yesterday when I made the commitment to travel to the States to give birth. At the time it seemed like 34 weeks pregnant was a lifetime away. Here we are, it's March 18th and Addie and I are packed and ready to make the long flight from Manila to Portland, OR. I am feeling every bit of 34 weeks pregnant and am ready for the flight to end and we haven't even gotten on the plane. We are terribly sad as a family to be separated for the next few weeks (few sounds shorter than 5), and are going to miss Justin/Daddy every minute of every day. As he will miss us. The only consolation is that this trip brings us closer to meeting our sweet new baby girl and in the end we will be a family of four! That reward (and hearing some terrible stories from women who have recently given birth here in Manila) makes my decision to be in the U.S. for the birth feel like the right one. Plus we get to spend some wonderful time with our families for the next three months! Huge perk!!! So as you can see I'm a tad conflicted about us leaving. Sad and happy at the same time.

With that we are on our way!

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