
Thursday, March 19, 2009

First backyard

I just realized that this afternoon was the first time Addie has played in a backyard. Crazy! I spent my entire childhood in this backyard; climbing trees, digging holes, riding bikes, running through sprinklers. It's hard to believe that playing outside in a yard is new for Addie. I can mark that as a con on the list of pros and cons of living overseas in a third world country. Anyhow, as you can see from the pictures, Adelaide loved being outside. It was a pleasant day and she ran around picking up rocks and stepping on pine cones. Grandma even let her pick some of the very first daffodils that bloomed. Grandpa took her on a walk with her tricycle and then she discovered the swing. The fresh cool Pacific Northwest air made Addie hungry for dinner tonight. Seeing her in the backyard that I grew up in was pretty priceless.


  1. That must be so special to watch your daughter playing in the same yard/house that you grew up in; doing the same things that you and your sisters used to do. Your parents must be loving it!

  2. Awe! The memories of those long summer days swinging through trees, twirrling in the grass, making mud cities, playing cops and robbers and soaping up the slip and slide. I CANNOT wait to come home and play outside with Addie. Grass stains glore! Love and miss you all!


  3. Wow!! Reliving all those wonderful memories. What a marvel it must be. Your photos are great.
    XOXO, Terry
