
Friday, March 20, 2009

lazy Friday

Addie is adjusting to the new time zone extraordinarily well. I, on the other hand, am struggling. I stood my ground last night when Addie got out of toddler bed and wanted to jump in bed with me. As a result she slept the entire night in her new bed. I woke up tired a hungry at 5 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I deemed the day a lazy Friday.

Grandpa would probably disagree with the lazy part since he was Addie's playmate all day while I unpacked and relaxed. They played outside this morning and brought back pine cones, baked sticky buns this afternoon and Addie cracked the egg for the dough. There was cartoon watching, painting, and building all going on as well. Justin will be jealous to hear that Addie sat and watched March Madness in her rocking chair after dinner. Next she snuggled up with Grandma on the couch and searched for puppies and kitties in magazines until bath time.

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