
Thursday, January 22, 2009


New friends were made during our trip home. We were lucky enough to spend a good amount of time with our good friends who have two adorable little boys while we were home. Addie and Eli were too little to play before we left for Manila so this visit was like their first time meeting. They played about as well together as one year olds can. It was fun seeing Addie interact with both Ben and Eli. She was familiarized with Star Wars light sabers, remote control tarantulas, and tons of other cool boy toys. She really loved the moving train sets. It was so nice to spend time with our friends and have some grown-up time too. We went out to dinner (taking advantage of built in babysitting), played games, talked, and just visited in general. The guys even got some Maden in. Justin and Joe got to bathe their kids together and I imagine that wasn't something that they ever thought they'd be doing when they were enjoying their younger years in high school and college (funny how times change). Addie completely fell in love with Joe almost immediately. She'd pull him along where she wanted to go, snuggled up on his lap and in his arms. She was pretty enamored with him. Joe is a pretty awesome dad to his boys so I'm sure she picked up on that. I don't think Joe minded the girl time he had with her. Little Eli was a little jealous though!

1 comment:

  1. Sara,

    Love love love the blog! You are so good at keeping it up to date! It keeps me in touch with you guys even though you are so far away! We love you and miss you guys! Tell Addie Joe says hello (and of course the boys and I as well).
