
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

shy face...but only for a minute

Addie has moved into a new stage of self-realization. She started making a shy face when we got home. Every time we saw someone new she'd make her shy face for the first few minutes before warming up to everyone. The face is hard to describe and I didn't get any pictures of it. It's basically her looking down at her feet and making a tiny o with her mouth. Kind of funny. Luckily it only took her minutes to warm up to all the family and friends we spent time with in the States. In no-time she was grabbing her grandparent's hands and pulling them down to play, dance, watch a movie, or you-name-it with her. She was in heaven. Everywhere she went was a new playmate. All her grandparents and relatives were great sports about getting down and actually playing with her. It was awesome. She's a lucky girl.

Here she is coloring with her Uncle Tyler and Grandpa Ray. She insisted they both sit down with her.
Hanging with Po. "Not a finger" only lasted a few moments!
Dancing (a nightly occurrence) with Kiki and Po. It HAD to be in the kitchen and both Kiki and Po HAD to dance with her. She'd have it no other way.
Rough-housing with Grandpa. She loved how Grandpa tickled her and let her climb all over him.
Kisses from Grandma Kathy
Probably her favorite place of all: snuggled up with Kiki under a blanket watching The Little Mermaid for the 20th time. It's Addie's new favorite movie.
Playing with Kiki. I'm not sure who was happier of the two during the visit. Addie had her Kiki and Kiki had one of her granddaughters to dote on.

1 comment:

  1. I know the grandparents were in seventh heaven. They kept asking me when they were going to get to see their other granddaughter!
