
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baltimore National Aquarium

We thought the day after New Years would be a great day to hit the Baltimore National Aquarium with our friends. Turns out all of Maryland thought it would be a great day to go as well. Unfortunately the aquarium was almost too crowded to really enjoy any of the exhibits. We mostly packed around our gear and tried to keep the kids fed, watered, and happy. In the end the dolphin show made entire trip worth it. It was so fun. Addie really got a kick out of the dolphins jumping. We completed the evening with a "challenging" dinner at the Cheesecake Factory at the Baltimore inner harbor. I say challenging because dinner with four adults, a four year-old, and two one-year olds really isn't anything but challenging. There was lots of drumming the table with silverware and spilled water glasses. Despite the craziness, the day was a blast and the meal was heartwarming; not only because of the good food but because of the company.

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