
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gunning Family Fun

The first weekend we were in the States a Gunning Family Extravaganza was planned. It worked out so wonderfully that we were in town for the get-together (although it might have been planned around us coming into town, I'm not sure). Justin's awesome Aunt Terry hosted the afternoon and Kiki did most of the cooking for the traditional spaghetti dinner. The meatballs are so yummy. That and the seven-layer cookies, I was in heaven ("Watch the pregnant lady eat" could be the name of this blog right now!). It was so lovely to see all of the Gunning family (Justin's Mother's side). The kids have all grown and Addie fit in so nicely you'd never know we'd been gone for 8 months. It didn't help that Terry has a clan of wonderful dogs. I loved the food and Adelaide loved the dogs! Plus then she started receiving a few late Christmas gifts! She's a really lucky girl. She loved the stuffed puppy from Chris and John, the aquadoodle from Donna and Brian, Hello Kitty from Auntie Brienne. As the evening went on Addie adopted a new love for her older cousin Paige who was extremely patient with her. Addie was soon grabbing Paige's hands and dragging her down to play. It was so fun connecting with family we don't get to see as often as we'd like to. We took a group shot which has all of the kids but only a few of the adults.

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