
Monday, December 22, 2008

getting ready for cold

We are taking our first rest and recuperation trip (R&R) back to the States starting on December 29. We will be in MD/VA for three weeks, soaking up all our friends and family and everything we miss about home. I ordered a coat as well as hat and mittens for Addie so we'd have something right away when we get to DC. She tried them on last night and walked around in them for quite some time. I'm sure in her head it was equivalent to a costume. When we pealed her out of it she was unhappy. I guess better that then I can't get her to wear it when we get to the cold weather. The chilly winter on the East Coast is going to feel extra cold to us since the weather is still warm, muggy, and 80 degrees every day. I'm jealous to hear of the almost 2 feet of snow my folks in Washington are experiencing right now. I would love some snow right now, I'd even take sleat! Maybe I'd settle for a cool enough day where I could see my breath outside. East Coast winter, here we come.


  1. Pretty in pink! I hope you guys enjoy the cold. Maybe you'll get to see some snow in MD!!

  2. Hey guys! I am excited that you will be here for a few weeks. I'd love to see you during your stay. Please call me when you are home. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all and safe travels! Heather

  3. Sara,
    Be careful what you wish for. The last week Jack Frost has been working overtime nipping at our noses. Can't wait to see everyone.

  4. I would love to see you guys! Call/email me and hopefully we can do lunch!
