
Friday, December 26, 2008

A very Merry Christmas

Christmas was especially joyful this year. Maybe it was the anticipation that started at Thanksgiving for us in Hong Kong Disneyland, or maybe is was all the baking and shopping and other preparations that I started early this year. Mostly I think it was being together as a little family far from home that made the day extra special. We have so many blessings in our life and are lucky in so many ways. Being in a foreign third world country helps you realize this even more than usual.

Christmas Eve we were balls of excitement. I was on my feet cooking up a feast all day for dinner. We hosted a co-worker of Justin's who is living here alone. Everyone feasted on delicious comfort food and good company. The guys had wine as well as coffee with Baileys. I snuck a few sips here and there! Addie ate her dinner like a champ then promptly pooped out at bedtime from all the excitement. That night we awoke to a major fireworks display outside our building at midnight welcoming Christmas morning. It woke Addie up and all three of us stood at the window watching the show. Justin and I were so anxious for the morning that we weren't even that irritated by the midnight interruption. I felt like a little kid wishing away the hours before Addie woke up that morning. Santa Claus found our house in the Philippines because the next morning our little girl had a special surprise waiting for her. She quickly caught-on to the concept of ripping the paper off the packages. We opened gifts, ate homemade sticky buns, and talked to all our family. At one point Addie hit present overload and refused to open anymore. She decided to focus on playing with what she had open. Later in the afternoon I convinced her to open the rest. Santa must have thought that she was a very good girl this past year because she received some great gifts. Her favorites are her new Corolle baby doll and baby stroller, as well as her new wheely bug. The joy on her face after opening some of her gifts was priceless. She was so animated and excited about everything. All her grandparents sent wonderful gifts and she is still going from toy to toy playing with her new things.
Christmas night Addie was so plum-tuckered out that she asked for "bubbles" (a bath) and then wanted to go straight to bed without a story. She was one tired little girl. Justin and I were exhausted as well. We had a very special Christmas day just spending time as a family and helping Addie play with her new toys. Christmas is definitely more fun with children!


  1. I'm so glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Addie looks like she's set for the next year with all the gifts she has! Mele Kalikimaka!!

  2. Looks like a great Christmas day! Hope to see you when you get stateside:). ~Heather
