
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hokie Bird 2 is a...girl!

I promise we didn't cave! It was an accident that we found out the sex of the baby. We had the congenital scan on Saturday (ultrasound room slightly different than Fairfax 30 years difference). The doctor slipped and just started calling the baby "she" and "her" after he'd determined the gender. We never confirmed it with him just to leave a hint of a mystery (Justin was sure he was referring to the baby as one would refer to a ship). Then at home I pulled out the detailed results from the scan and plain as day beside "gender" was the word "female"! We both couldn't stop smiling at the scan. She (so strange to know Hokie Bird 2 is a she) is a healthy and active baby. Her arms were up by her face just like Addie and her profile looks just like her sister's at this stage. Everything is perfect and healthy. I couldn't be happier that Adelaide is going to go through life with a sister only 2 years younger than her. My sisters are my closest friends and I'm so happy that Addie will always have that in her life. Justin said he grew a few new gray hairs the moment he found out he was going to be a sucker for another woman in his life. He's completely thrilled to have another daughter since Addie melts his heart on a daily basis. Now we are just getting used to the idea that the baby is not going to arrive for another 20 weeks and we already know it's a GIRL! Crazy!


  1. I have to admit I'm kind of glad you guys know because now I can spoil my new niece. It will be so much fun for Addie to grow up with a sister! Now she won't have to worry about her little brother hitting on all of her friends!! Congratulations and I love you guys!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah - another beautiful girl! We're thrilled for all of you. What a blessing for Addie to have a baby sister ... love and miss you all.

    Donna, etc.

  4. How thrilling for you both. I don't know what I would have done without my 2 year older sister.
    Love & Kisses,

  5. Congratulations, I am so happy for you both!


  6. I am so happy that Addie will get to experience the bond with a sister that you and your sisters share!
