
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christmas in August

Not quite, but it might as well be. Here it is November 19th and Christmas is being celebrated all around us already. The Filipinos are known for celebrating Christmas early. Decorations start coming up in October, Christmas music has been playing in the stores and on the radio since September. All the "ber" months are for Christmas here. It's strange for us especially since it's sunny and hot outside and we are wearing our sunglasses and flip-flops every day. It's very difficult for my mind to register that Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming while I'm sweating! I've forced myself to get ready early mostly because I have to ship Christmas gift boxes to the States. I've been shopping and wrapping for awhile now. This is a major feat for me since normally Megan and I kick-off the holiday shopping in style on black Friday at Tyson's Corner. We picked up our "Christmas tree" at the mall last weekend. You can see it still in the box in the spare bedroom waiting to be assembled. This native Evergreen State girl is having a little bit of trouble putting up her first artificial tree for Christmas. Justin is making me wait until this weekend to put it up. Gasp, before Thanksgiving? We've learned from other Americans that the rules of being at home don't apply here in the P.I. Christmas gives you a warm cozy feeling and it's much needed when you are staring your first holiday season in a foreign country in the face. A little feeling of holiday cheer with your familiar holiday decorations is just what the doctor orders. I'm actually excited to decorate and see the excitement in Addie's face. A little traditional Christmas music and a mistletoe candle just might make Manila feel like a cold December day in Arlington. So you can tell we are a little conflicted with our Christmas in the summer!

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