
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

home bound

Black Beauty (our Jeep) is in the shop this week getting the evaporator replaced. The air conditioning wasn't working and it's something we desperately need here. So Addie and I are home bound this week. It hasn't been too bad since the weather is glorious (comparatively) and we have been walking to the park and playing in the pool. It's given me a bit of time to think about somethings I miss from home:

- air that doesn't smell like the sewer

-walking on the sidewalk without watching your every step in case you step in either (a) a dead cockroach carcass or (b) dog poop.

- Chipotle! I would give my right arm for a Chipotle burrito right now

- Maggie Moos ice cream

- the ability to buy big blocks of cheddar cheese, not these dinky 8 oz things here.

- Nordstrom! (the shoes, cafe, kids clothes, customer service, make-up counters-everything about this store)

- a guarantee that milk will be at the grocery store every time I go in

- using my debit card
So this post isn't completely a complaint here are pics of Addie dancing with the sunscreen

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