
Sunday, November 16, 2008

another week

Another week seems to have slipped by. Addie's done with her growth spurt now since she's interested in neither food or sleep at the moment. Friday, I spent the entire day Christmas shopping for the boxes that are getting sent home to family in the States. It was exhilarating and exhausting at the same time (especially since it's only mid-November). We "attempted" a family portrait on Sunday but Addie wanted none of it. I think we salvaged at least one decent picture. The weather has been gorgeous and cooler so we spent some time at the playground where Addie climbed up and went down the big slide all by herself! Addie watched "Beauty and the Beast" for the first time in a desperate attempt to get her interested in anything besides Barney (which she loves). She was mildly interested but kept saying "uh oh" when the scary wolves and the Beast were on screen. Luckily there were no nightmares. It was a pretty good weekend. Here are some pictures of Addie from this week.

1 comment:

  1. Addie looks like Miss Hollywood in that top picture!! Too cute!
