
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

West Coast Grandparents

Addie is blessed to have three sets of Grandparents who all dote on her endlessly. Her West Coast Grandparents enjoyed babysitting while Justin and I were at work on both Friday and Monday. I think the best part of the visit for them was playing with Addie, changing her diapers, feeding her lunch, watching her get a bath and bed-time story and just snuggling with her in general. They got a good dose of their granddaughter this past weekend and loved every moment of it.

Saturday night a wind storm knocked a tree down and the power went down with it. We sat in our candle lit cramped living room eating Ledo's pizza and making acronyms for our names. Megan, the grown-up RA of the group, suggested we all discover our stripper names by using your first pet's name followed by the name of the street you grew up on. Mom's was Nappy 39. Hilarious. Nothing like some good family bonding to get you through the power outage.

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