
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

everything but sleep

Every day Addie is getting stronger and more agile with her movements. She's pulling herself up to the coffee table, the couches and her toys. She makes me nervous when she stands holding on to her toy car. She crawls to me and pulls herself up onto my lap. Getting herself back down to the floor is a bit more challenging but she's working on that one. I can't help getting a pang in my chest when I see her standing up holding on to the bars of her crib waiting for me to pull her out. Where have the last 9 and a half months gone?

Today Addie slept all of 35 minutes split between two naps the entire day at day care. When I picked her up she looked dazed and confused and was in a rare state of fussiness. She refused to take a nap when we got home. I let her cry thinking she would eventually pass out from exhaustion. HA! When I peaked into her room she was pressed up against the front of her crib reaching her arm through the bars playing with the fur on Moose, her rocking dog. That's my girl: smart, independent, and stubborn. She takes after her Mother.

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