
Friday, March 14, 2008

productive week

This week has been productive. I'm starting to cross things off my list that need to be done before our move. Both my arms are sore from two more immunizations I was given this morning. We signed up with USAA, passports and visas have been obtained and to top that off I got a significant way through my new favorite book, The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel. So the week went well but I'm glad for the weekend. Next week is my last 5 days working which has me excited and anxious to move to Manila.
Megan has been here all week since Syracuse is on spring break. Addie's had lots of time with her Aunt Megan and even discovered her humongous big toe. Like everything else, Addie wanted to put it in her mouth. Gross!

Addie had pasta with red sauce and chicken this week. She's rediscovering things now that she's almost 10 months old. Books that she used to enjoy for one aspect have renewed her interest for other reasons. Cut outs, flip ups, textures, bright colors, all amaze her. She wants the same three books read over and over to her. You can no longer take something away from her and put it out of sight so she forgets about it. Object permanence has been discovered in the past month. I can't just put the telephone behind me because she'll just crawl around me to get it again. She's trying out all sorts of new vowel sounds and humming in the back of her throat. The moment Justin puts her on the floor to play with her friends at daycare she's babbling and talking to them. I imagine she must be saying something like "Hi Sadie, Dani, I missed you! Guess what? I discovered you can use your cheek to hold lots of bits of food before you chew and swallow it. Cool huh? You should try it too!" Addie's a squirrel at mealtime.

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