
Thursday, March 20, 2008

sweet sleep

Addie slept through the night Tuesday and Wednesday night. She went to bed at 8PM and we didn't hear from her until 5 AM! Then she drank a bottle and went back to sleep until 8 AM. It was glorious. I only wish it happened on a weekend.

This week has flown by and I haven't been much of a blogger. Anxiety about getting things in order for our move is kicking in. I'll save you from all my complaining. On to the good stuff. Addie is now speed crawling. She can make it from the living room to the kitchen in a matter of moments. She's also discovered lots of things that we didn't consider to be hazards. We need to vacuum the rugs more often since she is curious about the taste of fuzz and dust bunnies. This week she's starting waving at us and at everything including the dog, her books, and anything else she wants to say hello to. There is nothing sweeter than getting a baby wave on your way out the door. We've been wrestling, tickling, snuggling, and playing rough house more with her. In the afternoon when Addie and I get some time alone before Justin gets home from work we snuggle in out bed. Addie flops around the bed laughing and giggling at me pretending she doesn't want me to tickle her sides but at the same time leaning closer so I can cuddle her more. She's so curious and spirited. It makes me laugh at how clever and smart she is. She understands so much more than we realize.
The car that Addie rolls around on opens up so that she can walk with it. She tentatively holds on and takes a few steps here and there. Last night she was standing with the car and just let go with her hands and stood balancing for quite a while. Our cheers and claps of excitement startled her and she sat down.

With all the mobility Addie has gained along with the growth a 10 month old experiences on a daily basis our daughter is simply exhausted at the end of the day and doesn't object when we start her bedtime routine. It's been such a relief for Justin and I to get some extra sleep. After 10 months of waking up in the middle of the night I need to retrain myself to sleep through the night.

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