
Friday, March 21, 2008

bye bye black pumps and blackberry

Farewell to the alarm clock jarring me from my sweet dreams. Farewell to nylons, blouses, high heels, and the black suit that is a staple in every business woman's closet in Washington DC. Farewell to my morning commute on the 14th street bridge. Farewell to the nasty parking attendants at the garage. Farewell to emails all day long and a blackberry on my hip. Farewell to notes and spreadsheets, Power Points and conference calls. Farewell to politics and fire drills, last minute template changes and COB deadlines. Unfortunately that also means farewell to office mates who become your closest friends and confidants, clients who are cherished like family, relationships that get you through the working world with laughter and drama. Farewell to the success of a finished product you are proud of. Farewell to the accomplishment of a job well done. Farewell to promotions and pay checks, a hot cup of tea and a moment to yourself in front of your computer. Farewell to the camaraderie of a team working towards a common goal. Farewell to believing that what you are doing can make a difference.

It's never easy to say goodbye to people you have become close to. It wasn't any different for me on my last day at work today. It's safe to say I have mixed emotions about it.

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