
Monday, March 10, 2008


I am so proud of my daughter. On Sunday Addie was baptized into the Catholic faith at our wonderful cozy little parish. Addie's Grandparents flew into town from the West coast for the occasion! Aunt Megan and Aunt Rachel, Addie's Godmothers came as well. It was the first time we have had both of our families in the same place for any occasion. It was such a special day. My Mother gave Addie a necklace of Saint Guadalupe that she wore for her baptism as a baby. The beautiful heirloom around my daughter's neck connected the generations of women in my family and it was really special. Sitting in our church with all of our family surrounding us, supporting our daughter on her first big day made me feel so loved. Addie is so lucky to have so many people who love her. All her sets of Grandparents adore her. My darling baby girl is so happy and full of life because of all the love in her life.

Addie was definitely feeling the grace of the Lord. She was chatting and babbling during the ceremony, especially while we were in front of the congregation. She inherited her Dad's comfort with being the center of attention. As Father Simon poured the water on Addie's forehead she cried out as it ran in her eye. In that moment and when her Godmother's lit her Christening candle in her honor I have never been more proud to be a mom. The entire day was very special for our family.

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