
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Weekend with Auntie Em

We had a great weekend with Emily. It was fun having a college student in the house. We ate take-out Thai food, had a burping contest, didn't clean the house, stayed up late, and slept in late (OK-Emily slept in late. Justin, Addie, and I tried to be quiet and let Emily sleep). It was so much fun and made me realize how much I miss my youngest sister. Addie absolutely adored her Auntie Em and gave her big toothy smiles all day long. Emily attempted to teach Addie to stick out her tongue, luckily it didn't stick! Addie is all over the place now. She's getting into stuff and is Miss Independent. We are hearing lots of grunts expressing her frustration with one thing or another. Dinner time has been fun and messy the last few days. Addie has been feeding herself all sorts of yummy stuff. Black beans, cheese, carrots, avocado, turkey, bread, rice, and of course Cheerios. In fact, Addie already recognizes the Cheerio box. She's an American kid for sure.

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