
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

big baby appetite

Is this a beautiful little girl or what? Who could possibly disagree? Every day she discovers something new. It's like she's going through a mental growth spurt. She's also going through a physical growth spurt. This little cutie pie has been packing away some serious food the last few days. On top of that she is waking up all hours of the night hungry, protesting when she doesn't get a bottle immediately inserted into her little mouth. She is drinking every ounce of milk I'm producing right now and it's not enough for this Miss Piggy! That's 25 oz of milk plus three meals a day of cereal, fruit, veggies, and yogurt. It's quite amazing. Anyway, I bought our first canister of formula today (I had no idea there were so many choices!). Maybe adding some formula to her bottle will fill her up a bit more tonight. She quite easily could chug down 8 oz of breastmilk during a feeding and Mama is just not producing that anymore. This makes me even more bummed now. So I'll let you know how the formula goes.

Addie's meal times are getting more interesting. She tried cottage cheese, string cheese, and strained chicken. By far her new favorite food is avocado. She got terribly frustrated trying to pick up the small pieces of avocado on her tray but when I fed it to her from my fingers she gobbled up the entire slice.

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