
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

tales from the twilight hours

Don't expect any pictures for this post; too tired and incoherent to snap photos between 11 PM and 6 AM. So the growth spurt saga continues. The formula on it's own elicited arched back screeching and tears from the munchkin last night. The larger Advent bottles did the same. This girl knows what she wants. It's safe to say she's set in her ways when it comes to her bottle. The formula hidden with mostly breast milk seemed to pass muster but just barely. The first try caused her to pause and screech and lick the inside of her mouth from the odd taste. A second later she started sucking down the bottle. She was probably too tired to protest. I have to admit I don't blame her for the disdain towards the formula. It smells downright filthy! Unnatural almost. Addie woke at 11 PM, 2 AM and then 5 AM. At 5 AM I had to offer her the straight formula which went over like a turd in a hot tub. The water I offered next fooled her for about 10 seconds. Realizing she wouldn't go back to sleep until her little tummy was full I lugged her downstairs and plopped her in her highchair. She sat with her finger in her mouth holding her lovey, half asleep. I quickly made some oatmeal with pears and when she saw the spoon she gave a grunt of approval. After scarfing the food she rested her head on my shoulder and proceeded to fall immediately back to sleep and stayed that way until I woke her up at 7:45 AM. Then you won't believe this...she ate a second breakfast before we were off to daycare. Oatmeal, apples, and prunes. She ate all of it. That little Hobbit! All I can imagine is that her little bones are stretching and her mind is expanding and those motor skills are honing. Nourishment is needed for such a precious growing little girl.

As for Mama, it's only Wednesday and I feel worn out. Good thing Justin's coming home and can act as the relief pitcher. Mad props go out to the single Mother's of the world!

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