
Sunday, January 27, 2008

the weekend flu by

This weekend was a bust all told. The evil stomach virus attacked us all and left us begging for mercy. Justin and Addie got the worst of it. I guess I got the slightly less evil version of the nastiness. My baby is a illness sponge, her poor little immune system is getting a taste of all the bugs. On the bright side we might have lost a few pounds with the no appetite and saltine/ginger ale diet.

With all the pathetic moaning and groaning going on we were stuck in much of this weekend. Today we were all feeling good enough for a much needed trip out since the cottage fever was kicking in. It's one thing to choose to stay in for a weekend, but to be forced into it is another. We did a lap around the mall, grabbed a light bland lunch, and then drooled (Addie and I drooled, her for different reasons) at all the goodies at World Market. I love, love, love this store. Lately they have much nicer bed and bath goods, have you seen the selection of table linens? Everything is bright and colorful. I'd be happy if I could take home one of each of the whole store. That includes the extensive wine and beer selection. We've been in the market for a nice toy box to house the mountains of toys Addie has accumulated. World Market had the perfect thing. It's a dark wicker storage box with a folding lid, it goes perfect with our decor, fits all of Addie's toys with room to spare, and was only $40!!! Total steal. Did I say I love this place?

Even if the weekend was a bust I captured some great pictures of Addie playing. Some of her facial expressions are so serious. It's adorable.


  1. Hey sis~

    I miss you all sooo much, Iam sorry that you all were sick. it doesn't sound fun :( I'm excited to read what megs been doing. Do you have Katie and Jeff's blog address? if so, can i get it? I ahve been good, this month has flown by so fast. Only one more semester! Yea!
    Hugs and kisses
    Give addie a kiss from me!

  2. Em,
    Katie's blog is linked at the bottom of mine it's pdxpishposh. I hope J term turned out well. We love you and miss you. I am bummed you can't be here for Addie's Christening. Sucks being a college student!
    Love you!
