
Friday, January 25, 2008

if it's not one thing it's another

We saw the light at the end of the teething tunnel for all of about 2 days before the next issue came up in the form of a stomach virus. Poor Addie is battling a nasty virus that has had both Justin and I grossed out more than once. Right now we are chanting the mantra "more fluids, get rest" around the house. Justin has been a saint and stayed home with our sick baby. I'm off to relieve him of his duties. I guess it's a good thing the weekend is here again.


  1. Poor Addie! If I lived near by, I'd offer to watch her- I've got the same nasty stomach virus right now, been home 2 days... YUK. Us sick-o's (me and Addie) can stick together! *wink*

    Good luck to the little tummy... I know it helps me to rub my stomach and sip on flat ginger ale.

  2. Justin and I got it now too. Justin was down for the count yesterday and I am today. It's no fun. Addie seems to be on the mend and keeps looking at us like "what's the deal guys, aren't we going to do something fun this weekend". You said it sister, our something fun is saltines and ginger ale.
