
Thursday, January 24, 2008

tid bits

So I made a few changes to the blog. What do you think? Too much? Should I go back to the original template? Anyway, I was getting tired of the brown. It was a bit dreary.

The cat is out of the bag about our move. I told my management that I will be leaving in April which induced the following reactions (from me)
  • panic; how could I quit my job, therefore not contribute to our family income?
  • joy; thank goodness I can leave all this mindless repetition behind me!
  • second wave of panic; how will a gap in my resume look to future employers when I want to return to the working world?
  • excitement; who cares about contributing? We are going on the adventure of a lifetime.
  • third wave of panic; this means I will have to promise myself I WILL put on makeup and smart* clothes even if I don't have anywhere to be during the work day. I WILL NOT turn frumpy and eat my childs leftover crust-less PB&Js.
  • happiness; I get to stay home with my daughter and explore the world of the stay-at-home motherhood.

Now I get to break the news to my client. More updates about our move later!

*smart (adjective)- dashingly or impressively neat or trim in appearance, as persons, dress, etc.
- socially elegant; sophisticated or fashionable: the smart crowd.

1 comment:

  1. Like the new blog look, I got tired of my brown layout too- although, oddly enough, my myspace is brown right now! ha ha ha....
