
Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Addie has been motating around on her tummy backwards and twirling in circles. She is rather resourceful getting where she wants to go without actually crawling. A few times I've watched her eyeing a toy and you can almost see the wheels turning in her head trying to figure out how to get to it. She rock back and forth when she's on all fours but so far she hasn' t figured out how to move her hands and knees in unison. On our hard wood floors she is all over the place capturing dust on her tummy! I can't wait to see how excited she gets when the crawling starts to click.

1 comment:

  1. Soo cute. Can't wait to see you all in a week. Told you three weeks would fly by. Addie has gotten so big. The break to come see you all will be very needed! Love you all.
