
Monday, April 9, 2012

spring break

This past week there was no school for spring break.  It was nice to have more relaxed mornings.  I wasn't shouting at anyone to "brush your teeth and put your shoes on already...we're late!"  I think everyone felt a little happier in the mornings.

We had lots of fun this week.  The girls played with friends. 
Blew bubbles, made mud pies in their new dresses from Grammy, had sand delivered for a little sand box via donkey, had their first bath all together, played in the sand, and got ready for Easter. 

Bella lost her balance twice on Wednesday evening.  One fall was against the edge of the night stand gashing her cheek right under her eye.  We tested out the medical clinic at the embassy and the nurse came to our house that night with her bag of gear to close up the wound.  It's nice to know they'll come to us in minor emergency situations.  I'm sure it won't be the last time Bella requires a nurse visit.  She's like a drunk bulldozer most of the time.

We decorated Easter eggs with our friends.  Brown eggs make quite different shades of colors!

 The two older girls enjoyed Addie's best friend's birthday party on Friday morning.  Nail painting and dancing in princess gowns.  I'll try to forget Bella choked on a piece of hot dog at the party.  Other than that it was wonderful. I am a mother of daughters so I'm partial to girly birthday parties.  Nothing is sweeter than all those little hands wiggling with colorful nails waiting to dry on their frilly dress covered laps.

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