
Monday, April 9, 2012

the forgotten holiday

Easter sneaks up on me every year.  Its a darn sneaky holiday.  This year, just like the last, I realized Easter was coming up when my Mom said "Happy Easter, if I don't talk to you this weekend".  My response was a combination of "Easter is this weekend?" and "holy sh*t, how can it be Easter all ready?". It's my fault.  I never look at the calendar to see what day it is. I'm usually still enjoying the warm and fuzzies from Justin and my birthdays and thinking ahead to Arabella's birthday.  I always assume it's another few weeks away.  This is not a good thing when you live overseas and it takes at least a month to get things in the mail.  I have no idea where the Easter baskets are stored and I never have eggs to hide.  I fail at Easter every year.  I know this and yet it sneaks up on me every darn year.

Thank goodness my sweet mother never fails at any holiday, especially the ones that she gets to spoil her granddaughters with gifts and sweets.  Sure enough a little box for each girl showed up in the mail the week of Easter and I could breathe a sigh of relief.  Justin reminds me Easter is not about chocolates in a basket.  He's right and yet my memories of putting on my jacket over my pajamas to go hunt for eggs on Easter morning in my parent's backyard every year are special.  I want my girls to have similar memories.

Thankfully my girlfriend bailed me out of having to dye Easter eggs at home.  She hosted us for a dying party and even had a cute little bunny mask craft for the girls.  The embassy hosted an Easter party on Saturday for families with children; complete with moon bounce, pictures with the Easter bunny, too loud music blaring over a sound system, and an egg toss.

We went to this party because it's what you do when you live in a diplomatic community.  The party started at  11AM and like usual we couldn't get it together to arrive until closer to noon.  We immediately found out that we had missed the egg hunt which happened right at 11AM. Every other family with small children seemed to miss the egg hunt too and the assistant CLO ran around making amends by handing out goody bags to the kids whose parents couldn't get it together to arrive on time. Sometimes getting to these things takes all the joy out of being there once we finally arrive.  We're always racing and rushing and shouting and arguing.  We even forgot my ID and our party tickets causing us to turn around and go back home to retrieve them.  By the time I plopped the diaper bag and car seat down on one of the tables at the party I needed a drink.  My heels dug into the muddy grass and I needed a double shot when I realized most everyone else was in jeans.

In the end the girls had fun, which is really what it's all about and the reason why I string myself out over and over to attend events like this, right?  Bella got a huge rug burn going down the moon bounce slide over and over and Addie got a scoop of ice cream even though she was on a no sweet punishment for lying to her father the night before.  Success for them!

I attempted to get a cute picture of the girls since they both turned around and ran when we walked up to the photo taking area and the big Easter bunny scared them silly.  

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