
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

elephant rides

Two things we promised the girls we'd see in Thailand were elephants and palaces. Addie was excited about both until she saw in person how large the elephants were (and then she was a tad disappointed there wouldn't be any princesses in the palaces).

Adelaide had a breakdown of sorts that's pretty typical of our notoriously fearful and cautious three and a half year old. When the elephants trumpeted loudly she screamed horror movie style. In the end, I took her to the bathroom and we had a chat about how riding the elephants in Thailand was one of the reasons we took this trip this weekend and unfortunately sitting this one out was out of the question for her so the quicker she got on the elephant with her Dad the quicker she could get off again. Bella didn't have these apprehensions. She's still too young and for the most part seemed to think the elephants were pretty cool. The baby elephant especially. A short while into the elephant ride Addie loosened her grip on Justin and started to enjoy the lumbering ride. Bella sat with me on the elephant and I have to say it was a tad precarious at times trying to hold tightly onto her and snap a few photos with my other hand. When I get the awesome pictures Matt took I'll have to share those as well.The view from our ride It was steamy hot that day and the girls were pink in the cheeks and thirsty from the elephant rides. It was unlike any experience I had ever had. One we will have to remind our girls they had through pictures. Thailand just gets better and better.

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