
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

blasting through Bangkok

We spent the past long weekend in Bangkok, Thailand and fell in love with this country. I know this is terrible to say, and maybe it speaks to my short-timers syndrome I'm having about the last four months living in Manila; but Bangkok is everything Manila is not. We found Bangkok to be cleaner, less traffic, more organized, full of culture and history, and easy to navigate with the amazing Bangkok Transit System subway. Thai food has always been our favorite international cuisine so we tried to eat our way through the city. Thai food is beyond amazing when your in Thailand and it's just called food.

We arrived at the airport on Friday morning and Bella was in heaven with all the airplanes to watch. The Korean kids were in heaven with Addie and Bella to watch. The flight was rather uneventful. The girls were antsy but well behaved. Our host for the weekend was our good friend Matt who we've known since our college years. Matt was a wonderful host and guide. He picked us up in Bangkok and let us infiltrate his car, his apartment, and his life with our two children for the weekend and was extremely gracious about it. We couldn't have asked for a better family weekend getaway.Friday night we walked to the fashion district so Justin could get measured and fitted for some custom dress shirts and then grabbed some (Thai) food for dinner. We crashed early after our day of travels; eager for our first full day on Saturday in Thailand.

1 comment:

  1. I got a silk dress and pencil skirt tailor made while I was there.
