
Saturday, October 9, 2010

speed eating

With the excuse that I needed to pick up contact lenses I had ordered, we headed to the Greenbelt monstrosity yesterday afternoon for a little mall walking. We were all starving by 4:15PM so we conveniently headed to our second favorite Thai place for a quick meal. And I mean quick folks! Before we even had the girls seated at the table I had ordered their egg and chicken fried rice. Addie and I had time to use the restroom and wash hands. When we got back to the table Justin and I ordered our dishes and the fried rice was placed in front of us. The girls chowed their dinners while Justin and I chowed ours. All of us, ravenously hungry (at 4:30, I know it's embarrassing). We ordered dessert to treat ourselves and the girls since they had eaten and behaved well at the restaurant (they didn't have time to get bored). The whole dining affair took 20 minutes!!! Can you believe that? This is a record for us. Peoples Palace gets major props for preparing our food so quickly, especially that fried rice for the girls.
After our meal we found this huge patch of orchids growing. They were gorgeous and I wish I had my good camera. We snapped a few with the little camera and even got a nice family shot. People don't think it's too weird we ask them to snap a photo of us. We look like tourists right?

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