
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

bedazzled kitty cat and a PARTY!!!

Addie was thrilled to receive stick-on jewels from her Aunt Megan to jazz up her homemade kitty cat princess costume. I suggested she bejewel the neckline but the rest was all her idea. We are having our third annual Halloween Party next week! Invitation are out-to the entire preschool! Lord help me! Here's what I whipped up Monday night while I forced my husband to sit with me while I made invitations. They are all hand written on the back. At the moment, I was hating not having a printer (I know it's stupid-the no printer thing). Justin said it looks more personalized handwritten (as he sits next to me watching rerun NFL). Not having a printer makes me look like super mom, he said. Super mom with a sore hand!

Here is Addie's version! I like hers better!


  1. Definitely a super mom.

    I love the invitations! Very cute, I hope the party goes well. Good luck.

  2. I see a Picasso in your future.
